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Getting started takes as long as writing a quick e-mail and attaching an MP3, picture and a possible artist press kit for our consideration.

We will respond within 2-3 business days (if it is a MP3 submission) and 5-7 business days (if it is a CD submission). This period could be longer, if we have a large amount of submission on same time. Please do not send us a CD of your music, unless it is not required by us.

In order to be considered for a Non-exclusive worldwide physical distribution deal, you need to send the following:
  • ONE (1) MP3 (Whatever you think is your best track) Please don't direct us to a link or compress or package the MP3 in any way because we will just delete your mail. If we are not convinced by one MP3, then we might ask for a second, but do not send more than one the first time. Sometimes it might be possible to ask you to send us a wave file or an audio CD of your music.
  • A short biography (one paragraph). Please do attach any documents, that might be useful for us.
  • Your line-up (Members of the band with their ages).
  • A picture of the band if you have one.
  • Contact information.

Please submit your materials to:

Please do not write any further e-mails, long explanations or send anything else. If we are interested, we will contact you back with more information on how it works as well as an agreement. We will be able to answer any of your questions should your music be accepted.

Please let us know if you do not hear from us within 10 days.
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