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I agree the terms of use
  1. A Non-exclusive agreement.
  2. The deal.
  3. The money.
  5. What makes us unique?
  6. Ensure placement into Digital Stores, but not 100% guaranteed.
  7. You are in, now what?
  1. A Non-exclusive agreement.
  2. If we like your music and there are signs for possible joint agreement, we will offer you a non-exclusive contract. As there are always misunderstandings of this term “non-exclusive”, please read below what we understand and what we expect from you, if possible agreement comes ahead. Just like in the physical world, there can't be more than one distributor bringing the same album to the same store. Otherwise, when the album sells, how would the store know which distributor to pay? We will never prevent you from doing anything you want with your music. For YOUR sake, please note : If you sign two digital distribution deals with two companies that will both be sending the same album to iTunes, Rhapsody, Emusic, Napster, etc - this will hurt you, because the retailer will usually remove the album completely until you decide which distributor has the exclusive right to be selling that album through them. Once you are signed with us, you are still free to pursue other avenues of distribution without any interference from us, but make sure if those possibilities are not already listed in our distribution register. In order to keep updated with our distribution program, please check frequently our Digital Outlets. AMAdea keeps the right to disclose the terms of joint contract, if there is presence of such disloyal relations.

    You do need to keep in mind that once you sign with us, you may need to disclose the terms of our contract with any other company that you distribute your music through, but there's no need to disclose these companies or any contracts you've signed with them to us, as long as they are not listed in our distribution program. We take your word that you have the legal right to sign our contract.

  3. The deal.
  4. Think of it like traditional physical distribution:
    • You are the artist. (You own the music and all rights.)
    • The retail store is now Apple iTunes, Rhapsody, Emusic, ringtone companies, etc.
    • AMAdea Records is just the distributor that gets your music to the retailer.
    • They pay us. We pay you.
    We do not take any rights to your music. You are just "lending" us the right to be your digital distributor, for the albums you tell us distribute, for as long as you want. You can cancel at any time. We will never tie up your rights or make it hard for you to leave.

  5. The money.
  6. We keep only 19% and pay you 81% of all income from your music. AMAdea shall have to withhold and remit to the state budget an income tax at the rate of 10% of the amount due to you. This is the so called personal income tax. You can set the price rate of your album, which is possible through the account, as choose from Full, Middle, Budget and Single. Please take in mind that AMAdea can not guarantee that the digital stores will consider that price – it’s only for orientation.

  8. According to the applicable tax law, when AMAdea pays to you royalties for the sale of your musical albums or compositions, AMAdea shall have to withhold and remit to the state budget an income tax at the rate of 10% of the amount due to you. This is the so called personal income tax. It is possible that personal income tax under point 1 above may not be withheld or that the amount due to you may be charged with an income tax at a lower rate in cases where an Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation so allows and provided that you explicitly request so from AMAdea. You can download the request form from here: On your demand AMAdea shall provide you with any documents you may need, evidencing the amounts of personal tax withheld from you, to be presented to the tax authorities in your country of residence.

  9. What makes us unique?
  10. What makes us different from other distributors?
    • Many artists are going directly to download sites themselves because they think that they will save money.
    • What they don't factor in is the time spent on each distributor.
    • With our system, an artist becomes available to all the most important sites around the world with one simple agreement. Working out agreements with over 500 sites would probably take a couple of months to do - full time. And what about all the administrative work afterwards? And there's much more...
    • Encoding to the specifications of each site.
    • Payment requests for each site.
    • Getting the attention of programmers once your music starts to take off.
    • Send-outs of dozens of individual CD's.
    • The evaluation of each individual agreement.
    • In depth sales stats of all artist's downloads.

    And the list goes on.

    By choosing us to provide your music to the digital world, not only will you consolidate all this work, but you will have a record company standing behind you once things start to move for you. More importantly, we will be able to put you in touch with the right people when the time comes.

  11. Ensure placement into Digital Stores, but not 100% guaranteed.
  12. We do all the best we can to ensure placement of your music into the most of the digital outlets. Our label is approved from many digital outlets and if your music fits the genre requirements from the store, then acceptance is almost 90% sure. Please note that, we can't guarantee that your music will be available in all digital outlets. Basically what happens is that we send out every release that we have to all of our partners, and it is ultimately their decision what they post. That doesn’t mean that all of these sites have denied posting your music, as many of these sites have more limited capabilities and it can sometimes take a long time to get new material up. They also will be focusing more on getting the top selling albums uploaded before they worry about anything else. Therefore the answer is that it will either take more time, or that they have decided not to post the material.

  13. You are in, now what?
  14. Another factor that most artists don't figure in is success. What happens when success starts to kick in? It might be a year before an artist actually sees any money once they start getting respectable radio play, so while the artist achieves success, they won't be able to do anything about it. So even if other distributors will tell an artist to worry about that when the time comes, we think it's better to plan for success.

    But you should know that you are still responsible for marketing your act. It is not only the job of a distributor to create demand for their product. You still need to head up that front.

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