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Viola Organista - The Macabre Carnival is the evolution of ASA's Ill-Fated 2016 album "Viola Organista...and Other Impossible Dreams", ASA's 5th studio release. Due to personal, personnel and life changes - Alice Sweet Alice completely reformed and evolved into the band it is today, and the songs from this album evolved with...   read all
Release date: 12.11.2018 Genre: Alternative Cat. No: CANTO17
Inspired by Vangelis, "Visions of Paradise" is an experimental hybrid between orchestral and electronic music with romance at its central core. Lush harmonies paint an utopian soundscape of everlasting love transcending beyond the boundaries of our physical world and into the realm of ethereal consciousness. Tune in to the...   read all
Release date: 19.08.2022 Genre: Electronic Cat. No: AR00106
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